
Creating a Plan That Works for You

Get ready to embark on a transformative coaching experience with BE James Associates. Bev empowers professionals to reach new heights and become the best version of themselves by exploring the power of how to “BE.” This power is the guiding principle for unlocking your leadership potential through the experience of personalized coaching. Whether you’re an individual contributor, an intact team, or a corporation, BE James Associates offers positive transformation by helping professionals unlock their true potential, achieve their goals, and excel in their chosen fields.

1:1 Coaching

Behind the Scenes

As a leader, you face unique challenges that demand your time, attention, and focus. Engage a trusted advisor and devoted confidante to challenge your thinking and create innovative solutions over a 3 – 6- month timeframe. Together, we’ll design a personalized plan, unleashing the power of how to “BE” – ensuring accountability and successes along the way. the power of how to “BE”.

Lunch Box

Not every challenge requires extensive strategic planning. Sometimes, what you need is a quick, effective resolution to an isolated case. This 3-hour strategy session offers strategic and tactical collaboration on the spot allowing you to swiftly navigate decisions and keep your momentum.



The mission is simple: to polish the leader within by unleashing the power of how to “BE.” Each workshop is crafted with the core objectives: to educate, challenge, and inspire. We’ll work closely with you to identify your strengths and challenges; thereby, sharpening your self-awareness and skills to confidently improve the trajectory of your career. Modules (Workshops?) are facilitated over 2 – 4 hours.

Talent Mobility

Empowering your teams is the key to organizational success. People thrive when they feel committed and supported in their careers. We’ll uncover methods to ensure every employee has a clear path for growth, development, and mobility, i.e., providing them each with the power of how to “BE.” Each module will be facilitated over 2 – 3 hours.

Never Miss a Milestone.